


人文、理、理. 1110

事实上,网赌平台的每个网赌平台都选修艺术系的课程, 通信 & 人文学科,因为我们提供指导和经验的技能,是至关重要的每一个教育和职业道路. There are opportunities for those who wish to create through the performing and visual arts; to improve communication in spoken, written and digital media; and to examine the range and depth of human thought. 我们的部门拥有发展洞察力和理解的长期记录,我们的网赌平台和教师的国家头衔证明了这一点, 认识, 有价值的实习机会, 以及其他增强功能. 财政奖励可以通过奖学金和绩效助学金来帮助你实现你的目标.

该部门提供以下研究领域的学位:音频工程, preparing our students for entry level positions in the varied fields of the audio industry and/or to enable them to transfer to a four-year degree in a related field; 数码影像设计, designed to prepare students for careers in the field of computer-based graphic design; Music, designed for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in music or a music-related education; 艺术工作室, with a curriculum that parallels the foundational courses in other art college and/or programs in four-year colleges; and 剧院, 在为期两年的课程中,网赌平台每学期有哪些表演机会.

其他获得学位的机会还包括历史学, 网赌平台们在哪里结识了形形色色的人, 时期和地区以及哲学, 网赌平台将在哪里研究有关人的本质的问题, 正义, 上帝存在的可能性和人类的自由, 最重要的是, 知识和真理的问题.



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